“Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. Being a Great Man is a matter of choice.” – Vin Diesel

Whatever you happen to think of Vin, he’s made a good call! He makes a great point, that becoming a great man is a matter of choice, and not a given, like some people would think.

I’m sure a lot of men out there are good men, and that is commendable. They work hard, provide for their families, and meet their obligations. That’s alright, but we need to raise the bar higher. I’m talking becoming great men, both to ourselves and to the people around us. Our modern world is not what our grandfathers were used to, and while they were good men, it stands to reason we have to adapt to the changing world. In this we can aspire to be great.

Masculinity is in trouble!

There is little doubt about that. Look at the statistics on men’s physical, psychological and social health today. But one of the problems is that there’s a distinct lack of dialogue about what it means to be a man today, let alone a great man. Another emerging issue today is society persistently attempting to blur the lines between men and women. While our grandfathers lived in a time that clearly outlined who and what a man was and how they were different from women, we happen to live in a society that challenges these definitions. It comes from the confusion that gender equality means sameness, whereas in reality this is not so.

This doesn’t not mean however that I’m suggesting to go back to the ‘good ol’ days.’ Far from it. To get back on track as men, husbands/boyfriends and fathers, we need to rethink what masculinity is all about. We need to think to evolve, to move forward.

Now here’s what masculinity isn’t: being a braggart, bully, reckless, carefree, greedy, and aggressive. Do not confuse arrogance with confidence!

Now, today, we as men we need to ask ourselves: Who am I? What qualities do I want to portray to the world around me? What is my role as a father? What do I want my children to learn from me? What really does separate the boys form the men?

The Making GOOD MEN GREAT Project

All the above questions, plus many others you might want answered, are what this project aims to tackle. Through the project, I plan to raise awareness for men to not only be aspirational, but also become sources of inspiration to their families, communities and in business.

The project will go beyond the simply thinking of what it means to become a man, but rather, it looks at the process of becoming a man, and aligning that with the right values, actions and relationships.

What do I mean by aligning the process with the right values, actions and relationships?

Well, manhood follows a process from childhood. In our early years, we strive to become physically masterful. It’s why a lot of kids show physicality at young ages: they are trying to master their strength.

Evolving doesn’t stop at that. As we grow, men aim to master their minds, and attain mental resilience. This is important, since at this time the man has learnt that physical strength alone is not enough to survive. Mental astuteness helps the man believe in himself and his ability to succeed in the face of challenges.

After taking care of the mind, a man gets to a point where he can be emotionally vulnerable, a stage that allows him to be authentic. Being authentic in this world is important, as an authentic man is at peace with himself, and is able to sacrifice for the good of his family and to take in service to others.

Combining all the previous aspects allows a man to be soulful and inspirational: a stage in life where he can dispense knowledge to those around him. Getting to this stage takes time, and is what many GREAT men have been able to do.

My invitation to your is simple. Join the project and come on a new and exciting journey:

The Making of Good Men Great!

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